ATTENTION: We are aware of a fake crowdfunding campaign in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) created by a group of fraudsters. BayWa r.e. has no business interests in the DRC. This is a scam and in no way connected to our business. You can contact us on this topic at DRC(at)

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r.e.think energy

Renewable Energy, and the Art of Thinking Differently
At BayWa r.e., one of our core missions is to continually make advances in renewable energy. Thanks to our experience, our expertise and our dynamic approach, we are THE perfect partner. It is a point of pride that we are always available to our customers and partners at every step of a project, from development to construction, and including operations and advice. Finally, we strive to establish higher and higher standards, always developing new solutions to take on challenges both present and future.

BayWa r.e. France in Numbers

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